pan y rosas release oscines et ensefera by reid karris!


reid karris is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, sound experimentalist and improviser hailing from chicago, illinois trying very hard to get all the music stuck in his head out for all the world to hear. after spending years as an odd guitarist trying to fit in with the world of rock music reid shifted his focus towards improvisation and noise. his primary instruments for doing so are prepared guitar and drum kit sent through electronics. he performs with various groups with guitar including set self on fire, hkm guitar trio and the chicago scratch orchestra. he also plays drums in the experimental duo step slow.

reid took inspiration from two of his favorite sounds – birdsong and the singing of insects – and made them a prominent part of his new album. prepared guitar, drums, percussion, sampled field recordings. the sound is: gum tree. get it on. width pulse, rumble under footpath. roll in, clatter. floating not walking. midnight bowed life. feed them. a rumor of low end murmur. shimmer gong.

reid invites you to please listen with the windows open as to add to the effect, especially in the morning hours for now when the birds are at their best, and late at night once the insects take their place among us.

get the album here!

reid karris, interviewed! by prepared guitar!

Can you describe a sound experience that you believe contributed to your becoming a musician?

* I grew up in the 80s and can remember a lot of music all around. I had two older siblings who were in high school in the late 80s and I can remember getting exposed to a wide variety of musical styles. While I don’t remember any one thing that made me think “I want to be a musician” I find myself to have been always interested in sound, and not just sound that is considered to be something we call music. I find that I have more sound experiences as time goes on, particularly those in nature or sounds of manmade contraptions and I always love when those two things go together, like birds singing along with an a/c window unit or something. I also definitely think that having children opened my ears up to a more chaotic outlook about sounds and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I moved more in the avant direction once they came along.

go read the whole thing here!

kind words for nununu by clara de asís!


kind words for nununu by clara de asís from the modern folk music of america.

clara de asis’ ‘nununu’ is a long form improvisation on prepared guitar, more accurately described, probably, as a sound sculpture than as a song.

recorded in a home studio in france ‘with no interventions’ other than panning the left and right channels, it is a spatial listening experience and the artist recommends using good stereo reproduction equipment. after listening to it, i’d say it’s worth it to sit down with it and plug it in to your system if you have the chance!

get the album here!


pan y rosas release nununu by clara de asís!


clara de asís was born in 1988 in spain and now lives in marseille, france. she’s an electroacoustic music composer and an experimental guitarist. she explores two aspects of sound art: electroacoustic composition in the studio, and live improvised music on prepared guitar, which allows her to develop a sensitive and experimental practice of the instrument.

nununu is the documentation of an improvisation on prepared guitar that de asís created in january 2015 at a home studio in marseille (france). she applied different objects to her guitar in order to generate a variety of sounds and her physical gestures created specific sonic results. …to reach a continuity of the sound. …the notion of space and sound sculpture. …the room, the space affecting the sound.

get it here