miguel garcia live at issue project room, brooklyn!

miguel garcía will be making a rare us appearance when he plays the issue project room in brooklyn on september 25th, 2011. he is playing as part of the share series with improvisor/composer david kirby, from atlanta, ga. the show starts at 9.30pm. issue project room is at 232 3rd St. (at 3rd Ave), 3rd Flr, Brooklyn, NYC.

David Kirby

David Kirby is an Atlanta-based composer and improvisor, performing using magnetic recording devices such as 4-track cassette recorders, hand-held tape recorders, and vintage reel-to-reels. He also curates Homophoni, a netlabel with a focus on electroacoustic composition and improvisation. Kirby’s recorded output spans the past 10 years, and includes monolithic improvisations such as his 6-hour ‘Opus’ (2010), carefully constructed sound collages such as ‘Maximalism’ (2005) and ‘Four Pieces’ (2007), and is featured on releases from Students of Decay, dollfullofrivets, Hymns, onetirednumber, and Pseudo Arcana, with forthcoming releases on Ilse and Copy For Your Records.”


Miguel A. Garía (also known as XEDH)

Basque artist Miguel A. García (also known as XEDH ) focuses on sound and its formal organisation, just between improvisation and electro-acoustic composition. His concerts put on show a combination of electronic sounds, field recordings and “real” instruments, aiming to get an intimate, immersive and intense experience, that is always considerate with the audience.
Miguel A. García studied Fine Arts and Audiovisual Technology. He is also involved in projects like Mubles, Baba Llaga or Válvula Antirretorno. Besides his considerable production of CDs (in labels like Zeromoon, Homophoni or White Line) and numerous live performances in Spain (Museo Vostell, Arteleku, MACUF, Museum Chillida-Leku, Guggenheim Bilbao, Tabacalera, etc.) he has performed in the United States, Norway, Poland, Portugal and France. Since 2006 he has managed and directed the Zarata-Fest Festival in Bilbao, and owns two netlabels (Larraskito and Doministiku).

Share – Hosting Open Jams Every Sunday

what is share?

Share is an open jam, not just for digirati, but for all new culture lovers. Participants bring their portable equipment, plug into our system, improvise on each others’ signal and perform live audio and video. We furnish the amplification and projection. Share happens every Sunday in New York City at the Issue Project Room, The (OA) Can Factory, 232 3rd Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn from 8 to Midnight.

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